
The Cathedral School, Llandaff - Llandavian Archive

Welcome to the Llandavian Magazine Archive

The Llandavian was created in 1889, originally for the benefit of Old Llandavians. It was published twice a year, and was a way for them to keep in touch with each other, with the School and with Llandaff.  Because of the outbreak of the First World War, this series ended with the 1913 issue.

In 1919, Theodore Coombes became Headmaster, and until he retired in 1946, produced only one edition of the Llandavian, in 1923.

In 1947, the Llandavian reappeared as the school magazine, and continues to be published annually.

The Llandavians from 1947 onward have been digitised and are available here, except for the following years, when none were published - 1957-59, 1976-77, 1979-83.

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